


Website and app design concept for a couple to budget and save for a shared goal [in progress].
Project from Google UX Design Professional Certificate

The problem

Managing a household budget and saving for a goal can be hard to organise between a couple with separate finances and is often not fun to do, which makes it difficult to stick to.

The goal

Design an app and a responsive website that helps a couple manage a household budget to save up for a common goal (such as a holiday).

User Personas


Age: 40-45
Location: Sydney, Australia
Occupation: Project Manager
Michael is a busy professional who needs an easy and fun way to organise and track his budgeting because he wants to be excited to contribute to a holiday goal with his partner.


Age: 20-30
Location: London, UK
Occupation: Student
Candice is a university student who needs a way to collaboratively save for future holidays and plan shared activities with her partner because of a tight budget.

User Flow

I created a user flow for two different scenarios when using the app, as these address the main user needs.

User Flow 1: Create a new savings goal and share it with your partner.

User Flow 2: Use the app to quickly and easily add to a shared savings goal.

Paper Wireframes

Key elements to feature in the paper wireframes:

  • Navigation
  • Text
  • Account/Profile
  • Goals with graphs
  • How to create a new goal
  • Add to a goal
  • Users

The key takeaway I found, was to look into the best way to display the goal visually, either as a horizontal bar graph, vertical bar graph or circle graph. The horizontal bar graph takes up the least space, while the circle graph is visually appealing – will look into letting users select which graph option they prefer in settings.


Homepage wireframe refining elements from the paper wireframes.


  • Header with Logo and Navigation
  • A feature goal
  • The users/partners
  • All goals with filtering by category
  • Bottom navigation bar with start a new goal

Figma Lo-Fi Prototype

First low-fidelity prototype interaction, showing flow to View Goal, Create a New Goal, Add to the Goal from the homepage and the Goal page.

View the Figma Prototype

It starts with hello!

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