

Dashy Designer Armchair

Ecommerce app and website design concept for a designer armchair brand [in progress].
Project from Figma UI UX Design Essentials

The brief

Design an ecommerce app and website for a designer armchair brand called Dashy Designer Armchair. They create a unique armchair that is modern, sleek and sophisticated. Design the home, product, check out and confirmation pages.

My responsibilities

Design the user flow, wireframe and hifi prototype. Also create any copy and microcopy required.

User Persona


Age: 30-40
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Occupation: Data Analyst
Chloe is their 30's and lives with their partner. They have a doctoral degree and works full-time as a Data Analyst. Chloe lives in Melbourne, Australia, is somewhat familiar with your product and is passionate about productivity, efficiency and the environment.

User Flow

Dashy Designer Armchair offers a signature armchair for purchase. The user flow shows how a user will progress from the homepage to the product details page, where they will have the option to purchase. If they want to purchase they will go to the check out page to enter their payment and shipping details, and finally, after they have successfully purchase there will be a confirmation page.


Wireframe showing homepage, a product details page, the checkout and the confirmation page after purchase.

Mood Board

  • Lines and shapes are clean and modern.
  • Colours are muted, natural and neutral.
  • Plenty of white space and uncluttered.

Style Guide

Colour Palette

Colours are cool blues and grey blues with greys, and a contrasting yellow for accents.

The blues evoke a modern, sophisticated, and calm feel, while the yellow is bold, friendly, and inviting.


Sans-serif fonts add to the modern aesthetic.

Heading font: Noto Sans
Paragraph font: Montserrat

High Fidelity Prototype

It starts with hello!

Get in touch to chat about UX, design, websites, content and more.
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