

Responsive website design and build for personal work portfolio.

The brief

Create a simple personal brand and and responsive and accessible website to showcase my recent course work.


My logo uses the Bilbao font in normal and light weights. The Bilbao font is a hybrid of sans, slab, and mono fonts with geometric details. I wanted this to be a simple text logo that would focus on my domain name. The logo is created on the website with the Bilbao web font, so it is not an image. This means the logo can scale easily and is easy to read by any device. It also features a gradient hover state when it is linked (created with CSS).

Project Overview

The website is built on WordPress and has been made to be light and fast. I have used the Oxygen Builder and ACSS. To easily manage work case studies, I have set up a CPT (custom post type) and used ACF Pro (Advanced Custom Fields).

For the website design, because I want my work and words to be the focus, the design and layout are simple and straight to the point.

The website has been optimised for speed and mobile responsiveness.

For accessibility, the website has been built with clean HTML that is correctly structured, allows for tab navigation, features focus states and all colours pass contrast ratios.

It starts with hello!

Get in touch to chat about UX, design, websites, content and more.
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